When it comes to True Love I can intuitively look at energies around my clients and their partners to determine if it's the "real deal" or not, it's my forte. The majority of my clientele always come in with questions and interests in finding out about their current partner, if he/she is " the one" or if they're single when are they going to meet the love of their lives. I"ve got an special gift and ability to clairvoyantly see the chord that connects couples that have a healthy soul mate/twin soul connection.
I can also look at past and current relationships with people on a soul level to see the lessons that presents itself through the partnerships to help with the individual growth of awareness and understanding of oneself and of the other, to learn about their wants, needs and desires and determine what they want or don't want which now allows for the individuals involved to grow from the relationships then and now look forward to the future of joyously accepting their True Love relationship when it does come in. Sometimes Ive been able to see clients with their True Love, physically and haven't been able to fully enjoy the relationship due to past traumas, bad experiences and negative blockages.
Everyone wants to experience True Love, there is nothing more pure, and beautiful and absolutely Divine about being in the state of experiencing True Love. Yet so many of us find it to be such a difficult task to enjoy it or make a mountain out of a mole hole when it comes to seeking it, or as the majority of us do, settle for the next best thing, crippled in the fear of being alone if they were to take a risk to attain their dream of being in a True Love Relationship.
I understand freewill and free choice as every individual had the right to choose whom they want to spend their life with. But not all of us are fully aware of what True Love is or what a True Love Relationship consists of, or at times can dreadfully mistake physical passion and a strong sexual connection for a True Love connection.
Bottom line, True Love does exists, the ones that still believe in it will eventually attain that quality,radiant and positively charged relationship, the ones that's been tainted by all the past traumatic experiences of dismal and heart breaking partnerships would find it a bit more difficult to re-enter the world of hope and love, but in the end it all works out, it takes a little time and a sound decision to admit and take action in allowing it into our lives.
The following paragraph depicts a very simple but powerful message, written by a very admirable author and one of my personal favourites, this same paragraph was the catalyst for my personal journey of getting out of the rut of "settling" and "fearing" the pursuit of True Love, and lovingly allowing it into my life. It's from the book The Warrior of The Light, by Paul Cohelo :
" For the Warrior there is no such thing as impossible love. He is not intimidated by silence, indifference, or rejection. He knows that behind the mask of ice that people wear, there beats a heart of fire. This is why the Warrior takes more risks than other people. He is constantly seeking the love of someone, even if that means often having to hear the word "no", returning home defeated and feeling rejected in body and soul. A Warrior never gives in to fear when he is searching for what he needs. Without love, he is nothing."
We all desire this feeling, we've all made some pretty silly choices and possibly some life altering choices when it came to trying to hold on to what we thought at the time was a " death do us part" relationship, eventually we may have come to terms with the fact that, no matter how hard we tried that it all just crumbled around us or deserted us, or possibly we're still silently sitting there with the other person, crying and sobbing ourselves to sleep due to the unfullfillment and emptiness within our hearts.
True Love is simply fully accepting yourself and your partner. True Love comes from a greater understanding that you can just "BE" there is no need for striving to show that you're something you're not, it also means that there is no Agenda, you just Love, that's it, no hidden intentions or self full filling gratification or reasons for loving the other person. True Love is also quiet, not much needs to be said it's just known, the feeling the connection the trust the security the comfort and the protection, it's a calm peaceful and naturally flowing experience.
Most of us try to control, manipulate,cheat,lie,trick,assert, constantly please or play the helpless victim when it comes to trying to get these feelings to be shown by a partner, when you find yourself frequently trying to use any of the above ways of getting someone in your life or to get them to stay in your life, you're only going against the flow and holding yourself back from the person that's ment to bring this to you effortlessly.
I ask you now to take responsibility of where you are, how you feel, and to honestly assess yourself and your relationship, past present or event he future relationship you plan on entering and ask yourself " Am I willing and ready to take the steps needed to experience True Love in my life?"
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