I have come to a point in my life where that saying rings through to me in every cell of my body! It brings me immense joy and pleasure to be of service. I consider myself to be a Spiritualist and humanitarian, healing the world one person as a time.
I come from humble beginnings, born and grown up in the Caribbean, raised by two loving parents. My father more so was a very influential part of my life, I recall endless conversations of world history, philosophy and religion, to me that was the catalyst for my burning desire to know more, and my quest for the " Greater Purpose" in life. At that tender age of nineteen I decided to take a leap of faith and moved alone to Canada, where I currently work and reside.
My abilities have always been with me, however as a child growing up I automatically thought everyone saw the world the way that I was able to see it and felt the inner most feelings and could hear the inner most thoughts that ran through everyone that I came into contact with. I only came to realize that I had a very rare and unique talent to not only look at people on a soul level to see their Greatness within, to see how much on or off course they were when it came to living their Divine Purpose. I was also able to see that they had Angels and Guides hoovering over them, most times their advice drowned by the many issues and concerns that bombarded their minds on a daily basis.
Since I've known myself I've always been the " spiritual teacher/advisor" to all my friends and family. It was just natural for me to give them psychic information, support, comfort and courage to move forward, all this time being divinely guided by their Angels and Guides.
Later on I took some brief courses to " brush up" my abilities to help me understand, accept and embrace my gifts, so I can better be of service. Depending on the connection, I've had spirit animals, Ascended Masters, Goddess, Deities, and Archangels, Faeries and beings of light and love come in to assist in relaying information to the client that they were working closely with.
It is my humble heart's desire to assist those who truly seek walking a Divine life, a path that's extraordinary, and where the rewards are full filling when the work is done. It's in my very nature to guide and a true blessing when a new relationship is forged where we can both feel comfortable to open up and tap into the Sacred Soul that's within you, and living to your soul's highest potential, and of course having alot of fun along the way!